The Big Five

Game hunters first classified the big five with the idea of “hunt or be hunted.” These were the most dangerous game to hunt. These days, most of the shooting on safari is done with a camera and the big five are the most popular animals to photograph. It isn’t impossible, but it is tricky to plan a safari trip that would give you the best chances to capture all five in one trip. For me, it took two.

Here are my favorite big five photos from my two recent safari experiences in Kenya and South Africa:

1) Lion

Scar-Nose Majingilane Male photographed at Londolozi in Sabi Sand, South Africa

2) Rhinoceros

Female White Rhino photographed at Kapama Private Game Reserve, South Africa

3) Elephant

Elephant Bull photographed at Sweetwaters Game Reserve, Kenya

4) Leopard

Tugwaan Male Leopard photographed at Londolozi in Sabi Sand, South Africa

5) Buffalo

Cape Buffalo photographed at Kapama Private Game Reserve, South Africa

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