Rosewood Beijing: A Virtuoso Preview Property

There are two paths by which a hotel can become a part of Virtuoso. The vast majority of hotels apply for Virtuoso membership after they have been open for 6 months. The evaluation process involves eliciting feedback from Virtuoso travel consultants and their clients, and hotels that make the grade become a part of Virtuoso’s exclusive hotel collection. The other path involves becoming a “Virtuoso Preview Property.” A group of Virtuoso travel advisors forms a Preview Committee and engages in a series of monthly pre-opening meetings with hotel management. These meetings provide a chance for Virtuoso advisors to comment on all aspects of the hotel’s plans, including the amenity program and ideas for guest relations and services.

Rosewood Beijing, A Virtuoso Preview Property

David has been part of the Preview Committee for the yet-to-be-opened Rosewood Beijing and I asked him to share his experience for this blog post. It is very exciting to have an early peek at what we have to expect from this hotel and from the Virtuoso Preview program in general! Here is what David had to say:

It has been exciting personally to hear about the hotel’s vision and how Rosewood is attempting to create a sense of “place” in this brand new property. This will not be just another contemporary luxury hotel in the middle of a big city. Rosewood is attempting to create a genuine sense of place and has shared some quite unique ideas to bring authentic Chinese culture into the experiences of its guests — from the artwork that will be on display, to the variety of restaurants on property, staff uniforms (designed just for the Rosewood), and even the unique welcome amenity for Virtuoso guests (a Journal crafted with handmade paper). We even discussed opening promotions: my understanding is that all Virtuoso guests will be upgraded to Club during the first months after opening. We have frequently been asked, “What do you think about this idea?” … and our responses have truly been valued.

Rosewood Beijing looks like a real winner … and David’s participation in the Virtuoso Preview process has offered a rare inside look into the birth of a new hotel. Click here to watch the preview video to get a visual idea for what Rosewood has in store.

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